Understanding neural circuit dynamics in behavior. At single-neuron, single-spike resolution.

As partner labs with complementary areas of expertise, we use mechanical, optical, and genetic engineering approaches to tackle circuits and systems neuroscience problems.

Our goal is to create and apply transformative tools to capture the brain in action and acquire previously unattainable insights into its inner workings. We want to understand:

  • the dynamics of genetically defined neuron types in local microcircuits in animal behavior

  • what controls the functional diversity of neuronal subtypes

  • how these subtypes interact at the physiologically relevant spatiotemporal scales

Principal investigators

Madhu Kannan, Ph.D.
Ganesh Vasan, Ph.D.

“Science is not an intelligence test. Intuition is important, knowing what kind of questions to ask. The other thing is a passion for getting to the core of the problem..”

Torsten Nils Wiesel