Here’s what’s happening…

July 2024: Kieran wins the second prize (a $100 gift coupon!) for his poster on the role of visual cortical layer 1 Interneurons in top-down function at the Neurosciences Summer Retreat held in Duluth. Congrats, Kieran!

July 2024: Ganesh and Madhu’s collaborative paper with Drs. Mark Schnitzer (Stanford) and Cheng Huang (Washington U., St. Louis) is published in Nature. This first-of-a-kind study uses our pAce voltage indicator to demonstrate how memories and their valences are encoded among dopaminergic and mushroom body olfactory neurons in Drosophila. Read the article here.

July 2024: Madhu Kannan speaks about our next-gen voltage indicators and new and emerging data in the ICN Labs at the CZI Investigators’ Meeting in Monterey, CA. Photo courtesy: Dr. Celia Shiau.

June/July 2024: We welcome GPN students Sonia Abbaspour (Vasan lab) and Francesca Iacobucci (Kannan lab), who will pursue their graduate thesis research with us! Undergraduate students of the Neuroscience program, Caitlin Richter and Tristen Rothrum, have joined us to work on our projects for the summer and beyond.

February 2024: The ICN Labs welcome senior scientist Dr. Prakash Devaraju. Prakash will examine the dynamics of cortical circuits in attention using high-speed multipopulation voltage imaging.

February 2024: Madhu Kannan receives a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Collaborative Pairs pilot award with Dr. Adriano Aguzzi, Professor and Director, Center for Neuropathology, University of Zurich. The award will support new directions in neurodegenerative disease research using our genetically encoded voltage indicators. Check out the highlight on UMN Medical School News!

November 2023: Our much-awaited move-in day is here. We are moving into our brand-new permanent spaces in CMRR….and taking a moment to soak up the ICN Labs’ 1-year milestone!

November 2023: Madhu Kannan delivers an invited talk, “Synergy in diversity: Multipopulation voltage imaging of the dynamic interplay among distinct neuron types in behavior,” at the MIT Neurotech symposium in Boston, MA.

October 2023: The ICN Labs’ first, large-scale, high-speed (640 Hz), voltage imaging in an awake mouse by grad student Kieran! We found ~60 spiking cortical neurons, labeled with our voltage indicator pAce, in a single field of view.

Sept-Oct 2023: The ICN Labs welcome GPN rotation students Francesca Iacobucci (Vasan lab) and Sonia Abbaspour (Kannan lab).

September 2023: The Kannan lab receives an NIH R21 grant in collaboration with the Krook-Magnuson lab. We will be applying our high-speed voltage imaging technology to unveil hippocampal circuit dynamics in epileptogenesis.

August 2023: Madhu Kannan receives a BBRF Young Investigator award. The 2-year grant will support our research as we foray into neuropsychiatric disease research.

July-August 2023: The ICN Labs welcome our newest researchers Coltan Kline, Megan Frommelt, Mariel Correa-Maynard, and Rohan Dham.

May 2023: The Kannan lab is NIH-funded! A 2-year BRAIN Initiative pilot grant will fund our research on the voltage dynamics of genetically defined cortical ensembles in visually guided behavior.

The National Institutes of Health
BRAIN Initiative®

May 2023: The ICN Labs hit the 6-month mark. Our temporary spaces are ready, optical equipment are here, construction of new labs has begun, and we’re growing as a team!

March 2023: Neuroscience grad student Kieran McCluskey joins the Kannan lab for rotation.

February 2023: The ICN Labs welcome research assistants Maiyer (Kannan lab) and Alric (Vasan lab).

February 2023: Drs. Kannan and Vasan and collaborator Dr. Simon Haziza (Schnitzer lab, Stanford) discuss their recent Science manuscript at Science Society on Clubhouse. Replay the podcast here.

January 2023: Plasmids encoding our newly described voltage indicators (Kannan, Vasan, et al., 2022) are now available to the scientific community via Addgene.

January 2023: Dr. Kannan delivers a guest lecture on emerging brain imaging techniques at the neuroscience workshop at Wayzata High, MN.

November 2022: The PIs present their work on dual-polarity voltage imaging at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego.

November 1, 2022: The ICN Labs are open! The same week, our Science manuscript Kannan, Vasan, et al., describing dual-polarity voltage imaging, is published.