• Madhu Kannan, PhD

    Principal investigator

  • Ganesh Vasan, PhD

    Principal investigator

  • Prakash Devaraju, PhD Neuroscience

    Senior scientist, Kannan lab

  • Kieran McCluskey, BS Neurobiology

    Graduate student, Kannan lab

  • Sonia Abbaspour, MS Animal Biology

    Graduate student, Vasan lab

  • Francesca Iacobucci, MA Animal Behavior

    Graduate student, Kannan lab

  • Alric Kang, BS Biomed Sci

    Postbac researcher, Vasan lab

  • Mariel C. Maynard, BA Biology

    Postbac researcher, Vasan lab

  • Coltan Kline, BS Cell & Mol Bio

    Postbac researcher, Kannan lab

  • Caitlin Richter

    Undergraduate student, Vasan lab

  • Tristen Rothrum

    Undergraduate student, Kannan Lab

  • Rohan Dham

    Honors Mentor Program, Wayzata High

ICN Labs’ Alumni

Megan Frommelt (postbac researcher, 2023-24)

Mike Hochstein (rotating GPN student, 2024)

Ahnaf Sharar (undergraduate student, 2023)

Maiyer Vang (postbac researcher, 2023)

We are hiring!

Early-stage postdoctoral scientists

The incoming candidate will use cutting-edge multi-population voltage imaging for functional investigations of genetically defined neuron types in animal behavior.

If you hold a Ph.D. in the engineering or life sciences with relevant experience, email your CV and research statement to icnlabs_jobs@umn.edu.

Graduate students

We welcome students of the UMN Graduate Program in Neuroscience.

Drop us an email or stop by our labs to learn more.